Change in season, change in skin care routine

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Change in season, change in skin care routine

The fall is here and with the change of the season comes the change in routine to keep up with a healthy complexion.

The slow and progressive sun exposure during the summer can be almost irreversible, it is time to implement the following steps:

Exfoliate– cell renewal is necessary to shed the skin damage from sun exposure while unclogging pores. Heat dilates the pores making them more exposed to hold dirt. During the summer deep exfoliation is a bad idea, according to the FDA Sunburn alert: products that contain Alpha Hydroxy Acid (AHA) may increase skin sensitivity to sunburn. The skin cell renewal process slows down with age. Increase the skin’s natural exfoliation process with a product containing alpha hydroxide acids once or twice a week We suggest the Renewal Gel

Antioxidant– let’s repair the damage from over exposure to the sun, these harmful effects can be reduced and neutralized by applying topical vitamin C. The body limits the amount of ingested vitamin C. Applying a topical antioxidant directly into the skin is essential. We suggest the Cellution C

Sunscreen– I always believe that is the best anti-aging product to protect and preserve your skin is sunscreen. Prevent further damage and pigmentation. Help to slow down the signs of premature aging. We suggest ColorShade available in 4 different tints to match any skin tone.